1. A team leader tells their team that they are expected to work as hard as possible. They have not articulated specific expected outcomes as they feel if the team puts in maximum effort those goals will take care of themselves. What would you say to this manager? (75150 words)2. What are the advantages of encouraging a team to diagnose and resolve its problems as opposed to having a leader or external person do it for them? (5075 words)3. What does it mean to act as a role model? (1 sentence)4. How can modelling appropriate behaviours enhance the organisations image within the work team, the organisation and with clients/ customers? (5075 words)5. Projecting energy and enthusiasm has been stated as a key role modelling behaviour for team leaders. Do you think that this is important? Why/ Why not? How can you personally do this? (5075 words)6. Give an example of defensive communication. (2040 words)7. Give an example of respectful communication. (2040 words)8. Give an example of synergistic communication. (5075 words)9. Describe five strategies for productivity and progress reporting to management.
Being a leader in a team
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