The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. If you ask someone who has abused drugs or who has been an addict, there is a high chance they will tell you that the process was natural. They were part of some forms of agents of socialization, groups transformed the subjects behavior and self-image. An individual who could not associate with drug abuse and drug abusers gradually changes his or her personal values to be tolerant to issues on drugs. Behavior change follows and before long, there is total conformation to the culture of drug abuse. The individual is acculturated in the sub-society and drug abuse becomes normal. This identifies social forces as agents of drug abuse and suggests suitability of social initiatives as intervention measures and not legal forces such as arrests.
Examining people who live under drug abuse also identifies social symptoms. One of the common symptoms is alienation. A person changes attitude towards others the moment he or she makes a transition into drug abuse. There emerges cohesion with peers who abuse drugs but a barrier develops between the subject and those who do not abuse drugs. It is normal to experience the barrier between the subject and close relatives and friends whom the subject may presume to be against the new behavior of drug abuse. Another important trait that emerges with transition into drug abuse is anomie, a disconnection that emerge when a problem exist but with no formal strategy or institution for resolving the problem. The developed barriers contribute to this factor and the drug abuser may start avoiding people to whom he or she is accountable such as parents, siblings, and authorities. The absence of strategies or institution is however not real and can be attributed to alienation that drug abusers initiate.Another common trait among people who abuse drugs is deviance.