Group Activity November 28th.
Step 1: You may meet at a convenient location at TNCC, Hampton or Williamsburg, you may meet on line.
Step 2: Choose a leader to organize and get tasks accomplished.
Step 3: Choose a recorder to record your results, write the summary/evaluation and submit on Blackboard under the menu item Submit Here.
Step 4: Choose a time keeper to time the number of heart beats per minutes.
Activity: Each student is to record his or her pulse rate as a number of beats in one minute. Then proceed to use the sample data to construct a 95% confidence interval of the mean pulse rate of all students.This activity should help you to understand the concept of Confidence Interval for estimations.
Activity Sheet/Report to include:
1. Enter your group number
2. List of data: pulse rates of students
3. Mean and standard deviation of your pulse rates
4. 95% Confidence Interval for Pulse Rates
5. Roles and evaluation of those participating
6. What did you learn from this activity