Write a 3 pages paper on starting a car wash in nigeria. Car ownership shot up in the oil-boom of Nigerias middle-income group from the mid-seventies. In the midst of a buoyant oil economy, the eighties saw the resurgence in the use of seconds. Today, there are more cars than parking space available. The growth of automobiles is so conspicuous that any business related to this industry is high on every businessmans agenda. (Oseun Ogunseitan, Wednesday is an odd day in Lagos, www.newint.org) .2.0 .LocationJigawa State, with its capital at Dutse, is seen as a potential business centre for car wash. The state offers a very conducive environment for potential investors. The local administration has, with the view to encourage investment put for ward a package of incentives to investors, including free supply of infrastructure, preferential approval of certificates of occupancy in industrial layouts, tax relief and other incentives (Jigawa State, 1998) (Investment Opportunities, OnlineNigeria, www.onlinenigeria.com). 3.0 .Scope . Factors that determine the success of any business, marketing and selling, keeping costs under control, hiring quality employees, and location need to be considered. Dutse is an ideal destination for car wash business (see Location). Break-even would be at the end of three and half years or 42 months.
A car wash in nigeria
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