Database Management: Application in School Environment

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Homework Help

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Database Management: Application in School Environment.The processing starts with the Registrar’s office using the Students Database located in a dedicated file server to store student’s records such as student number and other personal details, level, curriculum, and room assignments. An automated system enables swift and accurate processing of student data including subject and room assignments. It is also a shared database linked and being used by the Accounting Department to process student’s tuition fees and automatically compute various miscellaneous charges. Connected to this database, the Accounting Department is capable tracking down delinquent accounts, installments and able to give instant discounts to those students paying in full. They are also capable of fast and accurate fee adjustments whenever required.The benefits of various colleges from this centralized database are the ability to process real-time reports such as student list, faculty loading, and room assignments. They can also instantly but accurately process student’s grades at the end of every school semester and retrieve necessary information whenever required. The same benefit goes to the Students Affairs and the Guidance and Counselling Offices when processing student’s performance and extracurricular activities. The school management, on the other hand, particularly Property and Maintenance Department keeps track of student’s population and requirements. Properly informed, they are synchronizing their services to basic students needs such as chairs, tables, books etc.

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