Features of Operation Management. Write a 2000 word paper answering; s management discussed in this paper is qualitative forecasting, operation designing, facilities layout, quality, supply chain, project management, and maintenance. The 19th century is the era in which the way and production took place was radically changed by the industrial revolution. Production methods changed a lot during these times due to new technological advances that allow companies to vastly increase their production capacity due to the insertion of machines into the production process. The changes created a new business discipline called operations management. Operations management is the design, execution, and control of a firms operations that convert its resources into desired goods and services, and implements its business strategy (Business dictionary). This paper studies different aspects of operations management including its history and current global implications. The first key innovation that transformed the way operations took place in the business world was the invention of the steam engine in 1785. This invention created machine power which allowed operations to take place in manufacturing factories. England was the place in which some of the first changes began to appear in its cottage industry. This industry began to replace people with machines, utilized water, and mule power instead of human power and the actual nature production changed from cottage to factory (Uoguelph). Two instrumental figures in the early development of operations management were Eli Whitney and Fredrick Taylor. Eli Whitney in 1800 created interchangeable parts by standardizing parts through effective quality control (Heizer & Render). This technology was first showcased in the production of muskets. Whitley landed a 10,000 unit governmental contract at prices above market value to the characteristic of interchangeable parts of the muskets. The utilization of interchangeable parts provided the benefit of lowering the need for human labor. Mr. Whitneys invention is also correlated with the creation of the machine tool industry.
Features of Operation Management
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