Adaptive culture

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

Question One“Organizations are more likely to succeed when they have an adaptive culture.”  What can an organization do to foster an adaptive culture?(This is an essay, so what should I write to get full marks?)Question TwoThe videos for the second question can be found here: SUMMARY (<300 words required)Summarise all sections of the report using only the key information. Compose the Executive Summary after the assignment is complete. A) Issues Provide a brief introduction that summarises the main Issues of the case. Issues are the specific problems the business is facing and needs to address. Consider what visible symptoms of the problems identified need to be resolved? B) Causes Identify the importance of the Causes to the organisation concerned. What Caused these Issues to arise? The reasons underlying the Issues will be explicit in the Causes identified. C) Alternatives Develop a set of realistic Alternatives to address the Issues and Causes identified. A variety of options or different actions that a company could take to address the Issues and Causes need to be identified. Prevention (dealing with underlying Causes) is usually better than cure (fixing Issues that have arisen). Measuring each Alternative against the Decision Criteria will assist in clearly identifying and selecting the better options as well as less desirable options. D) Decision Criteria Decision Criteria are the indicators that need to be considered when evaluating and making a decision. Develop a set of Decision Criteria to choose from the Alternative courses of action. These criteria will be used to measure each Alternative available, and decide those to recommend as Solutions, and those to recommend against implementing. Generating expected benefits that would be achieved by resolving the Issues at hand is one way to create Selection Criteria. Conversely, the adverse effects of certain Selection Criteria need to be considered. The expected benefits and drawbacks should be grouped based on underlying themes inherent in the case. This is essentially a logical approach to weighting and ranking relevant data in order to make decisions. 4 E) Recommended Solutions Decide the Solutions to the Issues derived from the Alternatives based upon the Decision Criteria. For each competing Alternative, justify why different Solutions were chosen or rejected. Recommended Solutions should be the best of the Alternatives identified, as measured by the Decision Criteria. It should be clear to anyone reading the report why specific Alternatives are recommended as Solutions, and why others were rejected. A well written report will allow the company to compare different Alternatives as Solutions, should they disagree with the weightings of the various Decision Criteria. F) Implementation and Implications Provide realistic suggestions on how these Solutions could be implemented in the organisation concerned within the industry context being scrutinised. Provide the necessary details on the Implementation for the proposed Solutions. Include the managerial and financial implications for adopting the preferred Solutions. If the organisation implements the recommended Solutions, what might happen to the company? What are the Implications for adopting each of the Alternatives? What might be the Implications of not following the recommendations? Ethical behaviour Ethical issues should be referred to throughout the report. Also, ethical issues should be incorporated into the Decision Criteria. Ethical behaviour is an important concern for most aspects of business. When critiquing the case, students are challenged to be aware and sensitive to ethical issues that impact on all company stakeholders.Please help me, especially with the second question. .

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