Essay Criminal Law and Criminology

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

Essay Criminal Law and Criminology. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. As may be inferred from the above stated, the subjectivism/objectivism debate effectively mirrors the existent tension between the principles of deed and equal culpability. The objectivist camp believes that criminal liability should be limited to what the person actually did, while the subjectivist camp upholds the expansion of criminal liability towards the embrace of the person’s state of mind. Accordingly, the objectivist camp upholds the principle of deeds and the subjectivist camp that of equal culpability.3 The complex nature of prevailing criminal law lies it that it is neither one nor the other but seeks the embrace of both positions. This lends to several questions, all of which combine to underscore the controversies inherent in the law of criminal liability.The first of these questions pertains to the concept of mens rea.

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