Ethical decision making

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

Classmate 1Ethical decision making is when two different standards conflict with each other (Fisher, 2017). The philosophy of ethical decision-making influences our everyday lives by making us reevaluate our decisions to make sure we are choosing the ethical decision for that situation. An example of this in research is call the consent paradox. This is when deception is used in research and the participates are not fully aware of the experiment, so their consent is not ethical (Fisher, 2017). So, two different standards conflict, the issue of informed consent and the outcome of the experiment being true. When this arises then the ethical thing to do is evaluate if the outcome outweighs the informed consent. The participate must not be in any danger during the experiment for this to have any ethical ground. In the scientific setting, scientists must make sure their research questions are ethically, and the processes taken in their research follows the ethical code put into place. As a student I can ensure that I maintain academic honesty throughout my graduate academic career by not plagiarizing. Most students understand plagiarism but there is also self-plagiarism that is less noticeable to a student because it was our work that we are using. According to Bruton (2014), self-plagiarism is a concept that has been argued to be ethical and unethical. An example of self-plagiarism if when a student uses a paper they have already written in the past for a current assignment. It is the students own work, but it is not original to the assignment. This is the same for research. Using the same research for different studies is self-plagiarism because it is not original to the present research.Bruton, S. V. (2014). Self-Plagiarism and Textual Recycling: Legitimate Forms of Research Misconduct. Accountability in Research: Policies & Quality Assurance, 21(3), 176–197., C. B. (2017). Decoding the ethics code. Thousand Oak, CA: SAGE.   @?*4Classmate 2“Ethics should concern all levels of life: acting properly as individuals, creating responsible organizations and governments, and making our society as a whole more ethical” (A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions, 2019).Being honest and ethical is used daily in our lives, not only at home or college, but even in our careers after college. We would not want to be dishonest on a job application to get the career we are looking for after college or prior to graduating. Being dishonest is unethical and we were raised to have morals and ethics.To maintain my academic honesty throughout my academic career would be to work hard, be honest, and put in the hours needed to complete my assignments on time. Cheating or using plagiarism on my assignments, not only will this affect my ethics but will affect my grades. The feedback that is provided to me from other classmates or the instructor will only help me to grow and learn.We do have resources at Grand Canyon University to provide us with the ability to succeed in our course. We can reach out to our counselors or the Learning Advocates (LEAD) that will work with you one-on-one on our toughest subjects. The Learning Advocates will help with students who take online courses, if you feel like cheating or being unethical in any way, reaching out to the LEAD can provide you with positive feedback and help to succeed honestly and with integrity.ReferenceA Framework for Making Ethical Decisions. (2019). Retrieved from Brown University: 3According to Fisher (2016) the development of a dynamic set of ethical standards for psychologists’ work-related conduct requires, a personal commitment and lifelong effort to act ethically; to encourage ethical behavior by students, supervisees, employees, and colleagues; and to consult with others concerning ethical problems, APA (2010b, Preamble). With that said, ethical decision making is a personal commitment or obligation to do what is right, with integrity especially when other alternatives or options arise. Ethical decision-making encompasses making the choice to do right. Many individuals, including myself, base values, code of conduct and standards upon the Word of God (both Old and New Testament). Being honest, truthful and holding true to ethical principals, codes of conduct and moral standards and making ethical decisions is a philosophy which will affect those around us and who we associate with. I have found that when making ethical decisions, good relationships were built and produces a level of  trust from others.When I began attending GCU, and throughout my academic career, academic integrity was stressed. Many professors insisted that we read (within the Student Success Center) and sign, acknowledging we had a full understanding of academic integrity and university policies on the topic. Academic dishonesty, and plagiarism is a serious offense that can adversely affect a student life academically as well as professionally. I think it is essential when writing papers, to ask questions were there may be some confusion and continually review proper/acceptable ways of citing sources according to GCU.Classmate 4The philosophy of ethical decision making can have an effect on our everyday lives in a number of ways. Personally, the biggest one would be the deciding what is confidential and what is not. Almost all of us have friends that at one point have said “don’t tell anyone” or “I’m telling you in confidence”. That friend is trusting that whatever it is that they are about to say will be kept between them and the person they are telling.That same idea can (and is) applied to the ethics of psychology – confidentiality. While we can lose a friend, or break a treasured trust/bond, if a psychologist can lose much more. “Disclosure of confidential information can result in criminal or civil liability or financial or social damage to participants” (Fisher, 2017).Building a trust between people is important for any relationship. Confidentiality is one of the biggest ways to either build or break that trust. As a student, we can ensure that we maintain academic honesty by not breaking the trust that the instructors and the college have put in us. They trust us not to plagiarize, they trust us not to steal information from one another (or other sources). We can maintain that trust by simply not doing such things.

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