Research a certified electronic

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

1.     Research a certified electronic recycling center in cities. Determine where e-waste can be recycled, the cost to individuals and businesses, state laws that affect recycling, what kinds of e-waste are accepted, and what happens to the e-waste after it is dropped off at the recycling location. Some locations are e-Stewards certified.   2.    Identify and discuss specific efficiency metrics and effectiveness metrics, as well as what they measure. find a article of a business, identify and discuss which metrics could be used to measure efficiency and effectiveness.3.     Identify and discuss specific website, supply chain management, and sales, as well as what they measure. find case or article of a business, identify which metrics should be used and why.4.     What are the five reasons business analysis is difficult from operational databases. find a case or article about a business, identify apparent difficulties and discuss them. 5.    Define business intelligence and analyze an example of a business using BI. Give a case or article about a business.Can you help me to find article and these answers please?

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