Briggs & Stratton quantum engine-Interim. Write a 3750 word paper answering; Exhaust emissions and the performance of engines have been experimentally researched over for neat gasoline or the n-brutanol blends in a number of ways of working speed (2600-3400 r/min) without any modification or turning on the gasoline engine systems. Among the abilities of the experiment is to evaluate performance and also characteristics of emissions, for instance, break power, volumetric efficiency, in-cylinder pressure, exhaust gas temperatures, and CO2, CO, and UHC concentrations. (Science direct: Dunn-Rankin, 2008). .The beginning of 1908 marked the establishment of the great company, Briggs & Stratton when the founders Briggs and Stratton laid the base for the future since they had an unrelenting vision of innumerable possibilities (Stern & Shiely, 2004: 315). The great effort put the company into the success path of engine-powered bicycles, fuses, auto igniters, locks, coined-operated paper towel dispensing machine, electric refrigerators among other machines. The US-based company has gained mileage as it is dynamic in its operations and embraces the call for change and advancement in doing business.Briggs & Stratton Corporation, have its headquarter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is the biggest producer of gasoline engines for open-air power equipment (Christians & Ritchie, 2002: 95). The company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries include the biggest marketer of portable generators and also pressure washers in North America, being the leading marketer, designer, and manufacturer of turf care, lawn, and garden equipment. Briggs & Stratton products are serviced, marketed, designed, and manufactured in more than 100 countries on six continents (Stern & Shiely, 2004: 298).The infusion of temperately priced premium engines of a Japanese origin, between 1980 and 1995, and successful cost-cutting efforts of its .local competitors represented a significant challenge to the leadership position of the company. Again, the retail market, during this time, for the outdoor power equipment started to concentrate on the control of a few influential mass retailers who advocated for greater product diversity and lower prices. John Shiely and Fred Stratton Jr., in the late 1980s, led an effort to respond to this challenge by restructuring the company to product-focused divisions. .
Briggs & Stratton quantum engine-Interim
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