Poultry Farming

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Homework Help

This is one of my final projects for this class I need to cover this topic written below. My topic is on Poultry Farming : Write a two-page paper describing how you will use at least two of the sustainability champion concepts, principles, and practices discussed in this week’s webinar to support the development of your final project? Sustainability Champion module webinar. (Links to an external site.)? I will initiate ‘Poultry Farming’ business in the state of California, USA. Basically, this business will include different types of domestic birds which commercialized for the purpose of meat, eggs, and feather production that I would supply to local and regional dealers and/or wholesalers, Institute, Rodale (December 17, 2012). What is your affiliation to the business?I would say, this is small-scale business and can give attractive return with minimal investment therefore, there is high profit in business. There is almost 20-25% return on investment. I would like to affiliate with this business because it requires low start-up cost and there is high demand of chickens or chicken products so it’s a good opportunity to earn high profits, Institute, Rodale (December 17, 2012). What sustainable business principle or practice will your project focus on?Poultry farming is one of the oldest business in the history of USA. In this business, birds require some grain and balanced diet and then they can be used in egg production and can harvest for food. In USA, this principle has been working since twentieth century and high amount of quality eggs production make business operations more efficient. As population is continuously shifting in towns therefore, cities have been increasing the demand of fresh products and these changes encouraged me to open this Poultry Farm business, Institute, Rodale (December 17, 2012).What microeconomic principles directly and indirectly impact the success of your sustainable business initiative?Major markets include; special stores, farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and neighbors. Additionally, Californian department of agriculture and local cooperative extension office support local marketing programs so that to provide fresh foods locally which will help to promote business and earn profits, “Starting a Poultry Farm Business – How Much Does It Cost?”. • Quality production supply will also enhance the demand of the products.• Healthy products supply will also help to strengthen the sale and prevent from disease outbreaks. ReferencesInstitute, Rodale (December 17, 2012). Establishing a small-scale, sustainable, pastured poultry operation. Dig Deeper. Retrieved January 29, 2017 from http://rodaleinstitute.org/establishing-a-small-scale-sustainable-pastured-poultry-operation/Starting a Poultry Farm Business – How Much Does It Cost? Retrieved January 29, 2017 from http://www.profitableventure.com/cost-start-a-poultry-farm/Running head: SUSTAINABILITY CHAMION PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Sustainability Champion Principles and Practices.NameUniversity AffiliationDate 1 SUSTAINABILITY CHAMPION PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES 2…

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