Leadership photo narrative

by | Oct 6, 2021 | Homework Help

Argumentative essay on Leadership photo narrative. Needs to be 3 pages. She couldn’t wait to get there. Lana was excited, confident of meeting expectations and thereby earning the love and respect of her new colleagues.Lana had been offered a job as a computer technician in a prestigious firm that prided themselves on employing and empowering the differently abled.They subscribed to the school of thought that believed in person-centric planning for the required service and support systems for their employees with disabilities and consulted with a highly acknowledged team of Human Services professionals.Life seemed to have so much to offer that lovely morning that Lana had quite forgotten the hard time she had had just some time ago when boarding the bus. Looking at Lana’s bright and happy face and twinkling eyes, no one could have suspected how severely challenged the young woman was. Her peculiar condition made every physical action a little battle in itself. Some strange muscular dysfunction made her a contradictory combination of a sharp and agile mind in a physically challenged body that labored to obey simple signals from her brain.What a struggle every step she took was! Only she knew how much courage it took to go on doggedly determined to achieve her objective- sometimes as commonplace as climbing the rather high steps of the bus.However, Lana had been lucky to have a great family and caregivers. Her parents and siblings together with her teachers at the special school she had recently graduated from had helped her become what she was today.Lana was a trained information technology or IT professional. At her computer and on the internet, she was a wizard and that was exactly what had got her this job in the city. But Lana had learned much more than merely computer skills. She had learned to accept a stranger’s helping hand appreciating his or her genuine concern instead of feeling humiliated. She had learned to ignore the pitying glances of others better-abled than she. Above all she had

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