Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: The Ambitious Guest, Mortality and Fate.From te essay The Ambitious Guest: Mortality and Fate” it is clear, that the guest and his hosts differ in their ambitions. The guest, as clearly stated in the selected passage, has a high and abstracted ambition (11). His lofty desire is to become famous and world-renowned so that he is remembered by the world after his death. His ambition is to leave behind some achievement which will serve as a monument to his memory. It is in his nature to desire a monument, be it slate or marble, or a pillar of granite, or a glorious memory in the universal heart of man (19). His ambition is in marked contrast to the contentment of the simple mountaineers. These simple people have found the herb, heart’s ease, in the bleakest spot of all New England (1). They are contented in their little cottage and find joy in the intimacy of their family. When the guest tells them of his ambitions, the family, in turn, thinks about their own desires. The young girl declares that It is better to sit here by this fire — and be comfortable and contented, though nobody thinks about us (15). The father dreams of a simple life as a gentleman farmer. the grandmother thinks about the appropriateness of her grave clothes. the little boy wants to take a night walk to a brook. In contrast to the strong ambitions of the guest, these simple dreams are more a reaction to his passion than true motives. The father admits that these are things that are pretty certain never to come to pass (16).
The Ambitious Guest, Mortality and Fate
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