
by | Oct 28, 2021 | Homework Help

Write 2 page essay on the topic Antigone.Oedipus kills his father during a disagreement along the road. In addition he kills Sphinx making him a darling for the people of Thebes. The reward for the win and following the death of King Laius, Oedipus is given the throne leading to the interaction with the queen (Sophocles 1117). Oedipus marries his mother and gives birth of two boys and two girls namely Eteocles, Polynices, Antigone and Ismene. The tragedy of incest leads to blinding of Oedipus and leaving the city. The complex relationship between mother and son leads to the birth of four children who are also brothers to their father. The relationship between Antigone and Oedipus is complex in definition because of the complex nature of their relationships. Eteocles fights for Thebes while polyneices fights for the rebel (Sophocles 1118). In the battle the rebel group is defeated and the new king of Thebes orders that Polyneices should not be buried creating controversy between leads to death of Antigone for defying the rule or order of King Creon.Sophocles was born in Colonus near Athens. Colonus was a city with unique culture which is evident in the approach of used in his drama. His father owned a business that manufactured armor. Sophocles studied music and was known for mastery in music. His father was called Sophilus. He married twice and became the father of two sons named Lophon and Agathon. His career as perfect because he became a treasurer of Athena. He was also invested with priesthood of Amynos (Sophocles 173). Sophocles had an impact on Western culture and even given a tribute for his achievement. The success of Sophocles is based on the educational background.Seamus Heaney is a poet of Irish origin. He was a playwright, translator and lecture. He won the1995 Nobel Prize in literature. He was born on April 13th 1939 at Castledawson, studies at queen’s university of Belfast and St Columb’s College. He won several rewards in the literature

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