Applicant Statement of Purpose

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Homework Help

Essay on Applicant Statement of Purpose: Goals and Qualifications. Paper must be at least 750 words. Currently, I am in my fourth year majoring in finance at the University of California Riverside. I intend to focus my undergraduate dissertation on exploring the factors that have led to the success of the American financial system that have made it stay at the top for a considerable period. Studying in America and particularly in the University of California Riverside will be a dream come true for me since despite having studied in HuaZhong University of Science and Technology one of the best in China I still have that admiration for your institution. It is because of the values that are indoctrinated in your system together with the holistic approach that you offer in your programs. That notwithstanding, the institution will grant me a chance to interact with the American culture especially the financial system and thus develop more scholastic knowledge in the field as I look forward to my future career endeavors.In the past two years, I had the privilege to travel to China and Taiwan on an educational exchange program. The exposure assisted me to refine my knowledge on the economic issues present in Taiwan and thus gather crucial information that would aid me to assert my research. The memorable experience that I encountered while in the exchange program convinced me that indeed am on the right line of study and thus led me to apply for a graduate program at UCR to increase my knowledge in this field. During my exchange program period, I had the opportunity to meet various renowned scholars and faculty members in the host universities who encouraged me to pursue my studies focusing on investment and corporate finance.The primary objective of applying for this program is, despite the strong theoretical background that the undergraduate courses possess it has very few courses focus in my line of interest. Thus, I would like to enhance my knowledge of investment and corporate

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