Organizational Consulting Strategies

by | Jul 27, 2021 | Homework Help

Assignment 2: LASA: Applying Organizational Consulting Strategies. For your final paper, you will apply what you’ve learned  in this course and in your program. For this project, you will not  complete a consultation project, but you will develop a plan of what you  would do if you were to complete an organizational consulting project.  The organizational areas that you will be addressing are the same areas  as in your previous coursework in the Organizational Leadership program  at Argosy University. You should review your materials from your  previous courses, specifically in the areas of organizational leadership, conflict, communication, ethics, and employee motivation and  team management.

By using the literature from this course and your  previous courses,

(a) describe the importance of each organizational  area,

(b) identify the data and information you would use to assess each  area, and

(c) describe the consulting strategy that would be most effective in addressing each area.

Leadership —both executive leadership and mid level leadership

  • Why is effective leadership important to organizational success?
  • What organizational data and information would tell you how well the leadership is doing?
  • What metrics and information would tell you that leadership effectiveness is improving or declining?
  • What consulting strategy or strategies would be most effective in addressing leadership issues?

Organizational conflict

  • Why is it important for an organization to effectively manage conflict?
  • What data and information would you want to look at to assess an organization’s conflicts?
  • What organizational outcomes and data would tell you that the conflicts are improving or getting worse?
  • What consulting strategy or strategies would be most effective in addressing organizational conflict concerns?

Organizational communication

  • Why is effective communication important within an organizational environment?
  • What data and information would you look at to assess an organization’s communication effectiveness?
  • What metrics or outcomes would tell you that organizational communication is improving or declining?
  • What consulting strategy or strategies would be most effective in addressing organizational communication issues?

Organizational ethics

  • Why is organizational ethics important?
  • What information and data would you look at to assess your organization’s ethics?
  • What metrics or outcomes would you use to measure organizational ethics?
  • Why did you choose these metrics?
  • What consulting strategy or strategies would be most effective in addressing areas of ethical concern?

Employee motivation and team management

  • Why are employee motivation and team management important to organizational effectiveness?
  • What data and information would you want to look at to assess how well an organization is doing with leading employee motivation?
  • What data and information would you want to look at to assess how your organization is doing with managing its teams?
  • What metrics and outcomes would tell you whether these areas are improving or declining?
  • What consulting strategy or strategies would be most effective in addressing employee motivation and team management issues? When describing the importance of a functional area, be sure to use academic literature to support your writing.

Remember, you  are not assessing an organization but are describing how you would go  about assessing the various areas above.

Your final deliverable will be a 12- to 15-page  Microsoft Word document.

You should utilize six to eight scholarly  sources in your research.

Your paper should be written in a clear,  concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in  accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate  spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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