Submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Autobiography of a Face by Grealy and the Issue of Stings Shape of My Heart Connected to It. The card player that Sting is talking about in his lyrics is not playing for money or respect but, rather, only to find out the law behind winning at cards because they have to be some of the logic to winning at cards. The card player is playing poker and, as such, he does not express his emotions easily. In fact, the player fails to show any expression to those around him so as not to give away his game, wearing a mask that never changes, akin to that Grealy is forced to wear in order to keep her real self away from others during Halloween. Grealys article helps to show how the torment that the card player in Stings song is undergoing with regards to his attempts to understand why some people win at cards and others do not, which threatens to turn the world of a card player upside down. This is seen in the first stanza of the song when Sting sings, He deals the card as a mediation (Sting). In her article, Grealy describes a day in her school following her surgery and the fact that she has to undergo constant harassment from classmates concerning her looks. However, she also tells about her experience during Halloween when she wears a mask that allows her to become equal to the other children in her class. In fact, she claims that she had not realized how meek and self-conscious she had become until she had obscured her face using a mask (Grealy 67). This is a comparable situation to the one that the card player finds himself in when he is forced to show no emotions during the card by wearing a mask. The article allows the reader to see how the card player goes from thinking that he is one of the other players to believing that his face keeps him apart from them. The article also contributes to a social understanding of the card player and why he is forced to wear a mask, which makes him appear emotionless to the other players. In the song, Sting sings about a master card player who seeks to play through some divine means, in order to find out a spiritual meaning behind the games probabilities. .
Autobiography of a Face by Grealy
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