Using the Excel workbook beer data 1.xlsx you are to answer the following questions
Are there differences in the basic descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode and standard deviation) when they are calculated using the entire data set and when they are calculated from a summary frequency table.
Why are there differences, if any?
Can the value of the descriptive statistics be manipulated by the degree to which the data are summarized?
You are to report your results using the format/instructions/hints found in Report Template 1. You will be writing up your results as if I were your boss and had asked you the questions. This is to be a professional looking document created by you. You will be graded based on the rubric Report Rubric 1. If necessary, we will spend an entire class period making sure you understand what I am asking for and getting any help you need to get started. Do not wait to ask questions later.
You may work in groups no larger than four. Please let me know who is in your group. You each need to play a part and understand what you are doing and why.
Submission requirements:
Submit your final report in pdf form. You are responsible for making sure all formatting remains intact when the document is saved.