Compose a 3000 words essay on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Some information on Karen available to Dr. Banks before undertaking psychotherapy is outlined below. Karen left her parental home at the age of 18 after graduating from high school and took up residence in lodgings in the neighboring county. She found work as a waitress at a local diner. Just a few weeks after finding work, she married George whom she had met while at work. A very controlling and violent man, George dominated Karen in what seemed to be a repetition of the conditions under which Karen grew up. Her father had been violent and sexually abusive from the time she was six years old. As she grew older (13) her oldest brother continued the sexual abuse, until her other brother, nearer to her in age, put a stop to it. She was 16 at the time. .George, her husband, would be nice to her on rare occasions, taking her out to dinner and dances, and would compliment her on her good looks. George proved to be a very jealous husband and forced her to give up work. She was virtually kept prisoner confined to the house. Even with the occasional beatings, and not knowing any better, she put up with it and appeared to accept the situation as ‘normalÂ’. Unfortunately, George died in an accident barely three years into their marriage. Karen was devastated. She had been totally dependent on him. He had created, as it were, both the center and the boundaries of her universe. She was diagnosed a clinical depressive and underwent psychiatric hospitalization. Since then, over the past 15 years, until the time she came under the psychotherapeutic care of Dr. Banks, she had been hospitalized at least on 10 more occasions. During that time she had been in the care of at least nine different psychotherapists, psychiatrists, social workers, and psychologists as an outpatient, one of whom were to abuse her sexually. .
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
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