Complexity of cultures

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

Argument essay ( ). The essay is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Individual nations require embracing a common culture for mutual understanding.Many cultures exist across the globe. The individual nations have a tendency to practice unique customs. The complexity of the cultures can be a huge barrier to the quest to realize a common culture. Some cultures with strong ideologies are associated with the global conflicts. In fact, the link of certain cultures with wars has been a major concern by powerful nations such as the United States (Dittmer 78). In this respect, a number of complex relations influence the comprehension of the contemporary culture. The media, interculturalism, and globalization have endeavored to promote the mutual cultural understanding. In this regard, the media has continued to portray the values embraced by different cultures. Similarly, globalization has attempted to bring nations with varying cultures together with the intent of shaping the economic and political agendas. However, the efforts to enhance cultural awareness face tremendous challenges. Communication barriers hamper the comprehension and incorporation of cultures of different nations.Communication barrier is a major drawback to the realization of a common culture. Different cultures have their way of communicating and interpreting of the messages. Notably, the organizations that operate overseas face the challenge of miscommunication. Consequently, the miscommunication tends to jeopardize cohesion, trust, and teams that outsource. Essentially, the cultural barriers amount to communication challenges in both written and verbal forms. In fact, the communication challenges prompt organizations to invest a lot of effort in decoding and encoding messages. The investment aims at increasing the slow interaction between the multinational companies and the locals. The extent of how the employees in virtual teams reveal their intentions through explicit verbal communication is greatly

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