Create Twitter and Snapchat Pages

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

Week 2 Assignment – Homework: Create Twitter and Snapchat PagesInstructionsCreate a Twitter page (if you do not have one already created). Post one message this week to bring awareness to the service or product you have chosen to Twitter.Create a Snapchat page (if you do not have one already created). Post one message this week to bring awareness to the service or product you have chosen on Snapchat.Make sure to use at least two hashtags in each platform post. Then, take a screenshot and insert it into a Word document.Below your screenshots, write one paragraph describing why you chose your hashtags, how they align to your target market and industry, and how you think they will steer customer traffic to your social media site.Save your homework as “FirstName_LastName_Week 2 Homework”.

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