Critical analysis of commanding heights

by | Jul 3, 2021 | Homework Help

Critical analysis of commanding heights by daniel yergin and joseph stanislaw

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Critical Analysis of Commanding Heights by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw

The paper is aimed to analyze the book The Commanding Heights Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw. The book explores the different issues revolving around the balance of power shifts across the globe in different nations, governments and markets which include the risks, opportunities, and the effects of different factors such as globalization specifically for the 21st century.

The main thesis of the book is the exposition of the transition of the world from authoritarianism that dominated the early part of the history of human civilization to liberal capitalism that is influential in the present era. It explored the interaction between government institutions and the market as well the globalization even prior to the First World War (Yergin and Stanislaw ix. Siegel). The book is a historical work that uses statistical data as reference for representing views and opinion. The presentation of data in the book is narrative and creative but the data incorporated are comprehensive information and considered historically important in nature (Yergin and Stanislaw ch.5. 14).

Based on the date presented, the book can be viewed as both historically and economically essential. The authors Yergin and Stanislaw presented a different perspective on the various concepts in the market through their own definition of terms such as globalization etc. Globalization is perceived as the periods of domination of free markets and is positive based on the effect it can bring about to the standard of living of the people. In addition the authors believe in the accomplishments and importance of capitalism (Yergin and Stanislaw ch.13).

The views and opinions of the authors are evident in the book. This can be considered as an indication that the book is meant to make a statement and not a historical narrative. They clearly presented their views on different issues such as the rise of fascism and communism that detrimentally affected capitalism. In addition, the importance of the different personalities and groups in the history had been highlighted based on the perspectives of the two authors. Margaret Thatcher holds the central role in the establishment of the free market.

In addition, Ronald Reagan is also another leader perceived to have helped in the development of the free market. Such personalities and the work they have done for capitalism had been noted in the book. Every important event had been stated specifically since the authors give the different countries involved in the development own section in the book (Yergin and Stanislaw ch.4). There are noteworthy and affective parts in the book such as interviews from prominent people, for example Yegor Gaidar of Russia, Albert Fujimori of Peru and Lawrence Summers of the Treasury, Keith Joseph Minister of Thought and even Margaret Thatcher.

Based on the comprehensive date gathered both in secondary and primary research methods, the book can be considered as an important reference on the subject (Yergin and Stanislaw ch. 10. 449). There are few criticisms on the book such as the perspective of the author on the state corporations. They can be considered to have prejudices on the state corporations. This had caused unfair presentation on the subject and overlook of the negative side of the corporate governance (Yergin and Stanislaw 62. 235).

In general, the book can be considered as an important addition to the notable references in the subject which is both historical and opinionated which is acceptable due to the fact that they are based on facts and data carefully gathered. The authors concluded on the promising role of the market but accepted the fact that factors such as environmental challenges, needs of the population, national and cultural differences can affect the performance of the market (Yergin and Stanislaw ch. 1-14).

On a personal note, the author made an important contribution to the view on the role of the market in the society. They are successful in achieving the goal of the research they conducted which is the analysis of the between government institutions and the market. References Yergin, Daniel and Joseph Stanislaw. The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy. Simon & Schuster, 2002. Siegel, Fred. Thee Harder They Fall. 1 July 1998. Democratic Leadership Council.

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