Submit a 500 words essay on the topic Critique assignment.As Dr. Kedisaletse said Sexual reproductive health is important for young people.(Focus, 2007) For the erotic still arouses acute moral anxiety and confusion among youngsters. The strong emotion aroused enables one to enter the world of sexuality.This scenario produces the question of how many youngsters are aware and ready or rather physically and mentally prepared to accept the after effects.This is a vital issue which is addressed for once teenagers are aware of the consequences I feel one can deal with the issue on abortions then. An important aspect that Dr. Kedisaletse makes is that this education in teenage pregnancy is not only for the youngsters but also for the health workers and youth development practitioners for ultimately they are the individuals who interact with teenagers and unless and until they are forceful in their interaction and provide all the necessary facts only then would teenagers understand reality and in a way abortions can be controlled.To begin with what are teenage pregnancies? Teenage pregnancy, by definition, refers to pregnancy in a woman under the age of 20. (Focus, 2007) The general framework would be younger the woman better would be their productive organs and motherhood becomes uncomplicated and more agile. So early marriages are more common or illegal sex is the causes for teenage pregnancies. Education about the negative aspects is vital for many are ignorant about the physical effects wherein the severity of gestational protein uric hypertension combined with cephalopelvic disproportion which may result in failed labor. And here again depending on superstitions many would blame the woman for failure in pregnancy or in labor. Economic effects wherein most teenagers are financially dependent on their parents and this becomes unpleasant. Further financial insecurity finds the mother undergoing trauma which in turn affects the child within.Teenage pregnancy is a
Critique assignment
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