Electronic health records (EHR)

by | Nov 18, 2021 | Homework Help

(turnit in Report and References)From electronic health records (EHR) to telemedicine, the use of information technology is rapidly expanding. Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information. How can health information improve the provision of quality? Finally, after conducting research, discuss the possible future of information technology in healthcare.Title pageIntroductionDiscuss the importance of health informationDiscuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health informationDiscuss how health information may improve the provision of qualityDiscuss the possible future of information technologyConclusionReferencesRequirementsThe Assignment should meet all APA standards, be grammatically correct, appropriate and consistent research citation and documentation, appropriate graphics to display data and the results of analysis, and visual materials to support presentation of the overall document. Each section is to be a minimum of two(2) pages and should include a separate title and reference page.References are to be scholarly peer reviewed resources ONLY, with a minimum of four (4) references.

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