Essay on the topic Micro

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Homework Help

Submit a 250 words essay on the topic Micro. Since the company’s inception into business in 1982, it has grown massively through collaborating, internal development, and strategic acquisition with industry leaders. Throughout this growth, the company has expanded its technological expertise alongside greater understanding of their customer needs. In supporting its employees, the organization rewards and supports them through a program, “Total Reward”. In the program, there are comprehensive benefits, world-class training programs, recognition programs, international career opportunities, and employee health and wellness initiatives. On an ethical basis, it was wrong for Edmondson to have taken such steps as lying about his qualifications. It was unprofessional of him as a leader to be caught committing such acts as driving while intoxicated. The company to clear its name it should have made Edmondson apologize to the public after his apology to the board before his resignation. The situation affected the corporation investors, board of directors and top executives. There concerns for the board of directors and top executives were concerned whether the questions they were holding out about former CEO Edmondson would be one day answered to their gratification. On the other hand, the investors were concerned with why after Edmondson appointment as CEO the company struggled with lagging stock price and flat sales. The investors’ concerns were affecting the board of directors on their credibility in being able to assess the employees properly before carrying out promotions. The board’s decision was “tough” this because Edmondson had worked for the company over ten years and had created a good reputation towards all the company stakeholders prior to the newspaper story. Mr. Roberts described this situation as such because he believed that he had made the right choice in selecting, grooming, and mentoring Edmondson as his successor only for such a story to destroy all that

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