Factor to achieve an excellence

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Homework Help

Competition A Factor to Achieve an Excellence. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. It is a fact that in order to achieve excellence, it is important to raise the bar by competing in a head-on manner. What this will do is to tell the people around this individual that he means business and should always be respected for what he does and how he commits to things which are on the topmost priority for his own self. These are significant undertakings that shall be understood in order to bring in the success which can only come up when the competition has been realized upon. Therefore what is most necessary here is an awakening that competition will bring in the complete usage of strengths and resources, which will eventually tie in a point of success. Since competition is usually doubled with experience that an individual has within his folds, it is always good to realize this point in essence. One must comprehend that business avenues are no different and they have the same competitive rivalry existing within their folds. What is different however is the fact that within the business, there is a collective effort which is not the case within the individual endeavors that take place on an individual level. Competition is the basis of attaining new achievements within one’s own repertoire, and it helps in assisting one to fathom how he can explore his truest self within the changing dynamics. It must be believed here that competition brings in more good for the people than bad, as it assists one in comprehending the finer details with one’s own strengths and what one can achieve in a given period of time. It is also a fact that competition will raise the bar of expectations within the people as far as an individual is concerned. It makes the people realize how significant this individual is, and how imperative it is to comprehend how this person will take on new ideas and resolve conflicts that mar his very domains. The competition asks of the people to give their best because they want to look different and unique yet excitingly fresh within their approach. What this means is the fact that competition shall bring in success for the individual under consideration as he will derive the best mileage for his own self when he compares himself with the people around him. If people know that they are not within a competitive regime, they will fall flat and not find out what their real strengths are, and how they would move ahead with the changing times. People think differently when they know that they are undergoing a competitive exercise. They start to believe that their undertakings are being closely monitored and that they need to give in their very best time and again, so as to bring value and quality within their tasks and undertakings. When a person does not involve himself within competition with some form of task that he has set his eyes upon to do it in the best manner possible, there would be staleness around him, and he would experience absolutely no motivation to go out there and make a difference, for his own self as well as the people around him in entirety. People view competition in a number of different ways and settings – all of which depends a great deal on how they view life and its varied undertakings.

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