Health care facilities and delivery systems

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Homework Help

Write a 5 pages paper on health care facilities and delivery systems/ technology and its effects. Additionally the use of robots has received criticism owing to the fact that they lack emotions and as such cannot replace humans.The Intranet and Internet are used in improving patients care in the following ways: firstly the intranets improve communication between staff of a given health facility. This enhances information sharing. Some of the intranet system even comes with staff directory and thus makes it easy to reach a colleague and bet in touch with them concerning any issues of concern. Secondly, the internet and intranet leads to improvement of the healthcare. This is an imperative for any health care organization since it is there core mandate to provide services to patients. This is because they can provide patient care feedback, staff training platforms where information can be shared, survey exams and quizzes can be performed through the internet on the websites, and fundraising as well can be done through establishment of a website. Further the internet and intranet can be important centralizing resources. This is because the intranet provides a central point where all the necessary information can be accessed. Forth is provision of organized department sites. This implies that the hospital can organize information in to different departments within the facility and as such increases access to the information. This makes it easier for the staff to know what is new across department and get informed appropriately.The four facts about telemedicine are as follows: first it enables an individual to virtually visit a healthcare and get help. This can be done through mobile phones or computer assisted video call. The diagnostic evaluations can be read and evaluated by a health specialist through ultrasound, MRI among other techniques. Secondly, telemedicine is convenient. This is because depending an individualsÂ’ insurance policy they can chose a convenient service provider.

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