Compose a 500 words assignment on healthcare & information technology. Healthcare and Information Technology The topmost priority of the professionals is to build a safer and more reliable health system after the integration of information technology. They have categorized the impact of technology into three categories: Event Detection Data is entered into the information system from numerous sources like health records, medication sales reports. Computational and statistical techniques, alongside the information system, are used to detect the advent of major health events. Such health events may include diseases due to water or food contamination, epidemic like SARS, etc. This information can be used to advise people about the precautionary measures and to develop the best treatment for the affected. Evaluation as a result of IT adoption Information systems keep track of the patientsÂ’ personal data, treatment, reports, and progress of the patients as analyzed by their respective consultants. This kind of information provides the basis for the evaluation process of the quality of the treatment and service that is provided to the patients. The treatments can be discussed later amongst the doctors for the purpose of improving their future diagnosis.IT-enabled decision making Information technology facilitates the concept that has been desired for many years. Symptoms, diseases, treatments, etc. are entered in the system as the patients are admitted and thus treated in the hospital. The information system is developed to form patterns and relationships between the information. This intelligent and learning machine is then used to perform diagnostic procedures on the basis of the historical data that is available to it. Doctors make good use of this technology to verify their diagnosis or even learn from the past treatments of similar cases that might have been handled by different doctors.4. Conclusion Information technology has made a significant place in the field of medicine. The data regarding the patients. their diagnosis, diseases, treatments are recorded in the system for analysis purposes to be performed later on need basis by the doctors. The start of epidemics, infections can be forecasted by the aid of the information systems. The quality of service can be improved by the integration of information systems in healthcare institutions.
Healthcare & information technology
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