Write an essay on History of Linux. It needs to be at least 750 words.Miller and his team have briefly explained the evolution of this free to use software. In 1994, Red Hat Linux 1.0 got released and it was called Red Hat Commercial Linux in the beginning. It was the very first distribution of Linux that utilized the RPM Package Manager as the format of its packaging. In the late 1990s, other variants like Yellow Dog Linux, Mandriva Linux, MEPIS, Debian, etc. were also developed from the Red Hat Linux code base.In 2003 Red Hat severed the distribution line of Red Hat Linux and introduced Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for the enterprise setting. But much before, Fedora Project had taken off, which was an effort of the technical community. Fedora and Red Hat Linux are almost the same distribution since Red Hat explicitly patronized the Fedora Project. In this way, the premium operating system remains a free to use product. In 2004, Red Hat Linux 9 was released. Miller and his team further point out that for the next two years, Fedora legacy project was continued, while the official line of Red Hat Linux came to an end. In 2003, Red Hat Linux merged with the Fedora project and today it mainly service in the form of the Fedora distribution. The RHEL, on the other hand, continues to be distributed as a prime network operating system. In 2011, Distrowatch has marked Fedora as the third most popular distribution of the existing Red Hat Linux legacy following Ubuntu and Mint.1. Linux supports full multitasking with the help of its robust UNIX code base. Along with the facility of running several background programs simultaneously, you can also access multiple devices such as a hard drive, a modem, and printers in one go.2. According to InformIT, “Linux safely uses a portion of your hard drive as virtual memory, which increases the efficiency of your system by keeping active processes in RAM and placing less frequently used or inactive portions of memory on
History of Linux
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