Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Internet Censorship. Internet censorship is the manipulation of certain information by the government with an aim of controlling some information that is likely to hurt the feelings of certain communities, or that information that is not intended to reach children. As a result, Internet censorship has become a controversial issue in the present world. In this sense, Internet censorship has attracted scholarly debates on whether the internet should be censored or not. The proponents of internet censorship argue that the internet exposes minors to obscene, indecent, or pornographic materials (Liang, Bin and Hong Lu 103). They maintain that internet censorship is aimed at stopping individuals, children, from accessing unsuitable materials. For instance, explicit pornography can be easily accessed on the internet and minors are hence subjected to it whenever they use the internet. In most countries, pornography is illegal to view (Liang, Bin and Hong Lu 104). Since the internet is not a property of any state, national laws cannot be applied, making it hard to ban pornography. However, the opponents of internet censorship maintain that presently, several systems that allow parents to regulate and screen what the children see have been made available (Liang, Bin and Hong Lu 105). These systems include lockout programs and website rating schemes. These internet filters have been made since parents fear that their children may be troubled should they access. They, therefore, restrict individuals from retrieving indecent materials. The systems enable the parents to control what their children view as per their principles, without government intervention. Although the above two arguments seem to be realistic, it is more logical to argue that despite the belief that the internet is an important source of entertainment and information, some of the information that can be accessed are so deterring.
Internet Censorship
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