Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Homework Help

Essay on What is the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators on the motivational level of employees. Paper must be at least 6750 words. Intrinsic Factors 24 Table 3 Descriptive Statistics: Extrinsic Factors 26 Table 4 Model Summary 28 Table 5 ANOVA b 29 Table 6 Coefficients a 29 Table 1 Legend for Responses for Close-Ended Statements 18 Table 2 Descriptive Statistics: Intrinsic Factors 24 Table 3 Descriptive Statistics: Extrinsic Factors 27 Table 4 Model Summary 29 Table 5 ANOVA b 30 Table 6 Coefficients a 30 Figure 1 Regression Analysis 30 Figure 1 Regression Analysis 31 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background to the Context The transformed situation of business world where the competition driven industries requires organizations to perform at their best, it is becoming necessary for the organizations to keep their employees motivated (Reich, 2002). This is because employees or human resource of an organization are considered to be the core assets of the organization who are responsible of running the operational activities of the business. The human resource of an organization helps in successful achievement of organizational goals and objectives by efficient use of its resources. Motivation, as defined by Robbins (1993) is the willingness of the human resource of an orgaznaition to put their best input in order to ensure that the output of their efforts achieves the organizational goals and objectives in an efficient manner. Over the time, organizations and their management has utilized motivation as a tool to bring improvement in the operational mechanisms and maintaining an environment which not only supplements the organizational goals and objectives, but also supports the goals and desires of an individual employee (Shanks, 2007).

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