CUS 1126- Introduction to Data Structures Lab 4: Linked lists, stacks and queues 1 Write a java program that addresses a real world problem that needs a stack. Create a stack of objects using a linked list (the object should be a realistic entity). Demonstrate that your program works by providing meaningful console messages that walk the tester through stack operations, e.g., pushing an object onto the stack. Asking them if they want to pop an object, and showing them that the object has indeed been removed. Perform peeks to see which object is at the top of the stack. Call your primary source file StackImplementation.java2 Write a java program that addresses a real world problem that needs a waiting line. Implement it using a queue of objects (the object should be a realistic entity). Use a linked list to implement this. Demonstrate that your program works by providing meaningful console messages that walk the tester through enqueueing an object onto the queue. Removing or deqeueing the object, and showing them that the object has indeed been removed. Perform lookups to see which object is at the front of the queue. Call your primary source file 3. (Bonus Points) Create a visual front end to the stack OR queue problem above, simulating the operations. You have the freedom to choose the tools you will use to provide a graphical interface with your program developed in 1 or 2.
Introduction to Data Structures
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