Need an argumentative essay on Invention Strategy and Mind Mapping for Expository. Needs to be 2 pages. Invention Strategy and Mind Mapping for Expository Essay This paper aims to discuss the invention strategy i.e. mind mapping to be implemented in order to write the final expository essay. Proper invention strategy and mind mapping would be taken into consideration before writing the expository essay. The following paper illustration shows the steps that will be undertaken in order to write the expository essay. Firstly, the usage of Smartphones will be studied from a general perspective. Usage of Smartphones would be researched by keeping in mind that it is one of the significant technological advancements that have taken place. Secondly, problem will be evaluated for the respective argumentation to be conducted in the final paper. This will involve the critics that have posed their claims against the subject. Thirdly, a clear thesis will be used by carefully looking at the prospects of using Smartphones. Three definite claims will be placed within the thesis statement. Finally, the paper introduction will carefully integrate the manner in which the discussion will be carried. In order to write an informative paper, it is extremely significant that research questions are set so that they can be answered during the cycle of brainstorming. Following are some of the research questions that will be used in order to write the final paper. The defenders of Smartphones claim that with the implication of Smartphones in schools, students can stay updated with the current research, they can be could at life management and quick in responding to tasks.
Invention Strategy and Mind Mapping for Expository
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