Issues related to adolescence period

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses issues related to adolescence period. The concept of the adolescence stage and the phases of development witnessed during the period is crucial in judging the behavioral activities witnessed upon the age groups. After observing that scholars accord minimal attention to this social group, the information amassed is certainly overwhelming since it denotes the importance of all issues in occurrence. For instance, adolescence engages the female gender into a process of change. According to the long-serving researchers, adolescence has been associated with emptiness to the extent that the affected groups of male and female genders often lack self-esteem whenever the changes occur without their knowledge. Viewing childhood as empty was a grave mistake in his opinion because it was an opinion informed by multiple assumptions (Treas & Wilkinson, 2013). Many people assume that adolescence issues are only witnessed in the learning environment, but the ideology is ill since the behavioral changes articulated to the issue of puberty often force the affected groups to engage in activities that may contradict ethical and moral standards.Attending school is a critical part of the work done by adolescents thus the issue of puberty may deter their proficiency in academics. Arguably, the issue restrains the groups’ determination and they may often lose their self-control hence ending up being involved in unethical and immoral affairs. At this point, it is known that the issue of puberty during adolescence may lead to life changing patterns that may affect negatively or positively the victims’ lives. Therefore, the issue may be a setback to those affected negatively and the advantage of realizing one’s capabilities to those affected positively (Bastable, 2011).

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