John Fitzgerald Kennedy

by | Oct 20, 2021 | Homework Help

Write an article on John Fitzgerald Kennedy: was he creating a false image for political gain. It needs to be at least 2500 words. Kennedy was nominated by the Democratic Party as a candidate for the presidency. In the presidential elections of 1960 he defeated Vice President Richard Nixon and was elected as the President of United States. Talking about his background, John F Kennedy also Jack Kennedy was born in a Roman Catholic family and thus he was the only catholic president of the country. Kennedy was born in Brookline Massachusetts. After completing his education, Kennedy started his political career and began to rise as an important political figure of the country. He was the elected as the mayor of Boston. Kennedy was also elected as the member of the congress three times. Jack Kennedy also served in the military during the Second World War. He was the commander of motor torpedo boat squadron. Although his services to the military were first refused due to hi his chronic back pain but somehow he got into the American navy due to his father’s influence. “There’s nothing in the book about a situation like this. A lot of you men have families and some of you have children. What do you want to do? I have nothing to lose.” Kennedy said these lines during a night patrol in his boat when they were attacked by a Japanese submarine and their boat got destroyed. It was due to his leadership abilities that his crewmembers swam to a close island to save their lives instead of surrendering and Kennedy carried an injured crewmember along with him even though his own back was hit in the collision. His show of bravery and presence of mind during the incident got him the Navy and Marine Corps Medal too. After his elder, who was the family’s political representative got killed in 1944, it was all on Jack Kennedy now to bear the responsibility and represent his family politically. Kennedy ran for the seat of mayor of Boston in 1946 and won. He then served as a congressman for 6 years. The year 1952 has been considered as a very important year in the life of Jack Kennedy as it was the year he got married to Jacqueline and also he got into senate by winning the election in the same year. From that day till his assassination Kennedy never looked back and progressed as a fine leader of the country. The Controversies Kennedy succeeded in the presidential elections of 1960 after a successful presidential campaign and defeating many senators first to be selected as the presidential candidate and then defeated Nixon to be elected as the president of the country. During his presidency Jack Kennedy faced a lot of criticism from his opponents. He had to face a lot of controversies created by his opponents, some were true and some were not. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 in Dallas Texas. The mystery of his assassination has not been solved yet. Although the 35th President of the country John F Kennedy has been dead for almost a half century now but, the controversies that have always surrounded his personality are still alive. Kennedy was supposed to create a false image in the world to get political benefits from his colleagues and other countries. Most of his opponents think that Kennedy was not much of a family man as he appears to be. He was blamed of being a playboy and many scandals were raised. This image of Kennedy as created by many of his opponents was a weakness in his personality and character. He was considered a weak leader because of his image.

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