Out-of-Class Essay Assignment #2 In response to the following question on Marla Stone’s The Fascist Revolution in Italy, what is a thoughtful, clearly written essay of approximately 1,500-1,800 word count (provide a word count and the end of your paper). Your essay should display a firm understanding of the material covered in the book, careful use of a wide array of primary documents. Be sure to cite page numbers when quoting or making use of insights gleaned from the book. Citations should look like the one at the end of this sentence referencing page thirty-five (35). Essays due on 1 March. (We will discuss the book in class on 27 February. Everyone should be prepared for an in class quiz and to discuss the book in class that day). In the title of her book, Marla Stone suggests that Fascism function as a “secular religion of the state” (2). What do you think she means by that? Describe the rise, character, and evolution of Fascism in Italy, assessing its relationship to religious faith (formal and informal) along with evidences found among the documents that give expression to it as a kind of religion. Is Stone correct in describing it as a “secular religion?” If so, why? If not, why not? Explain.
Marla Stone’s
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