Write an article on ministry of health in mexico case (consider: health system, double burden of disease) Paper must be at least 250 words. EFFECT OF MINISTRY OF HEALTH ON MEXICO CASE Effect of ministry of health on Mexico case Ministry of health in Mexico case can be quite advantageous because obesity in children, especially the adolescents, is common in Mexico. It is particularly prevalent in urban areas compared to the rural areas. Despite the health effects of obesity such as persistence into adulthood, vulnerability to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and childhood diseases such as asthma, obesity amongst children is considered healthy in Mexico because of a number of reasons (Emory Global Health Institute, 2012). Healthcare should be ministered because Mexico has dietary patterns that encourage obesity, childhood environments that encourage children to consume more energy and fatty foods and a stigma that being skinny is a sign of poverty. Ministry of healthcare in Mexico will enlighten the Mexicans about a number of facts regarding the harmful effects of obesity (Finkelstein, Fiebelkorn, and W.G. J., 2003). The ministry will enlighten stereotype people who have inherited the cultural perception that having a fat child means that they care for the child or the fat child is healthy. Some Mexicans even believe that being fat is a sign of wealth (Yach and Stuckler, 2006). All these cultural beliefs are false and they will be eliminated from the minds of the people (Barquera-Cevera, 2010). The ministry will also have an impact on food nutrition. Apparently, the dietary patterns of Mexico consist of foods with too much fat, sugar and energy, which encourages obesity (Wang and Dietz, 2002). Health care ministry will change the food nutrition from energy, fatty and sugary foods to well balanced diet. The ministry will also change the childhood environments especially in schools. Activities such as physical education will be encouraged in schools to help the children burn fat in their bodies. ReferencesEmory Global Health Institute (2012). Mexicos Growing Childhood Obesity Challenge. Emory university PDF.Finkelstein, E.A., I.C. Fiebelkorn, and W.G. J., (2003). National medical spending attributable to overweight and obesity: How much, and whos paying? Health Affairs. 22(4): p. W219-26.Yach, D., D. Stuckler, and K.D. (2006). Brownell, Epidemiologic and economic consequences of the global epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Nature Medicine. 12(1): p. 62-66.Barquera-Cevera C. (2010). Acuerdo Nacional para la Salud Alimentaria: Estrategia contra el Sobrepeso y la Obesidad, Ministry of Health Mexico. p. 19, 37, 38, 41, 42.Wang, G. and W.H. Dietz. (2002). Economic burden of obesity in youths aged 617 years: 19791999. Pediatrics, 2002: p. 109-E81.
Ministry of health in mexico case
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