Morals and values that guide your life

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Homework Help

The purpose of this paper is to give you insight on the morals and values that guide your life and how these morals and values are related/affect your professional practice of HRM.  HRM is a highly people oriented profession.  Understanding our personal values and your personality will help you to establish a personal philosophy that will guide your interactions with employees, supervisors, managers and C-Level Management. Each bullet point represents a requirement for the paper (each bullet should translate into approx. one paragraph).*Define ethics, morals, values*Explain/Describe the values that you believe are essential to the human resource profession and why*Describe the qualities you feel are necessary in an ethical leader. Provide supporting data/resources.*How do your values/ethics/morals align with what is required in the HR profession. Provide specifics/examples.*Personality also plays a role in how we interact. How does your personality fit into what is required in the HR Profession? How/Why?*Overall what are your strengths that will make you a great at HR?2-3 pages

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