Compose a 500 words assignment on a musical event. 7 July A Musical Event Carmens de la Calle is a comfy cafe at a drive of five minutes from San Antonio. The cafe was started in the year 2000 and since then, its services have been greatly admired by the consumers. Every weekend, this cafe provides p3ople with live entertainment. In this essay, I have discussed one of the musical events arranged by Carmens, which I had witnessed. The coziness of the ambiance created with the music was enriched with the vintage lamps and candle lights provided by the cafe administrator. The event that took place on 7 July, 2011 was NYC JAZZ GUITARIST TERRENCE McMANUS w/ Brennen Temple and Chris Thomas (Carmens). Start of the concert was scheduled at 8:30 pm. The cash cover was worth $10. The concert took place in a hall accommodating 500 people. The audience comprised people who had special interest in jazz. Guitarist Terrence McMans, who performed at this event is a famous jazz guitarist who is known for his improvisation skills pertinent to the contemporary music. Music can be improvised in terms of tempo, articulation, dynamics and emotional content in all styles, though maximum improvisation is experienced in jazz, thus allowing the jazz musicians increased freedom than other musicians. The chord sequence which accompanies the melody is employed as a characterization of harmony. It is the very progression of chord that increases jazzs tendency towards improvisation. His sound quality is spotless and his approach to the guitar is unique. Terrence is popular not only among public, but also great guitarists like John Abercrombie and Bill Frisell have placed confidence in his guitar skills. The guitar icon Gene Bertoncini has referred to Terrence as a visionary guitarist. Guitarists with whom Terrence has performed include John Zorn, Ellery Eskelin, Don Byron, and Tim Berne. All great guitarists find a voice inside the instrument, but Terrence McManus hit on an entirely new language -Gambit (New Orleans cited in Terrence McManus). It did not take Terrence long to make the crowd lost in the humanities. The ambiance was spell binding and the audience was getting more energetic as they listened more. The chord progressions of jazz are more complicated as compared to the conventional music styles. The rhythms contained in jazz comprise many unexpected accents, and are thus syncopated. Jazz encourages the development of danceability and momentum among the audience through its unique swing. Terrence and his team played numerous melodies simultaneously making use of different rhythms. These melodies essentially used counterpoint. Together, the attributes of syncopation, swing, and counterpoint create a rich rhythmic background that is one of the most important elements of jazz (Sabatella). This was one of the most wonderful concerts I have attended so far in that it provided me with a unique combination of good food with good music. When I was returning home from the event, I not only felt relished with good food, but also my cravings for music had been satiated. I have a lot of good memories associated with this event and I plan to guest the oncoming concerts supported by Carmens to have more of good memories. Works Cited: Carmens. Events/Calendar. n.d. Web. 7 July 2011. . Sabatella, Marc. Rhythm. 2000. Web. 7 July 2011. . Terrence McManus. 2001. Web. 7 July 2011. .
Musical event
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