Nonpipelined processor

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Homework Help

Given a nonpipelined processor A that requires 140 units of time to complete instruction and a pipelined processor B that requires the 6 stages as shown in the table below (assume any pipeline overhead has already been added to the stage times, so they add up to more than 140 units of time) to complete instruction but allows for overlapping execution6.Given a nonpipelined processor A that requires 140 units of time to complete an instructionand a pipelined processor B that requires the 6 stages as shown in the table below (assume anypipeline overhead has already been added to the stage times, so they add up to more than 140units of time) to complete an instruction but allows for overlapping execution. (10 points, 5 pointseach value)Stage123456Time Units202535253020Processor A requiresunits of time to complete 100 instructionsProcessor B requiresunits of time to complete 100 instructions7. For the following y86 instruction stream, draw the pipeline stage diagram (shows in whichcycle each instruction enters a particular stage of the pipeline). Assume the base pipelinedprocessor with all possible forwarding paths and the 5 stage pipeline discussed in class withstages F, D, E, M, WB.(10 points)Cycle –> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 :mrmovq 8 ($rax) , $rbx2 :addq $rbx, $rcx3:pop $rdx4 : addq $rox $rdx

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