Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Osgoods Schlatters Disease. Osgoods Schlatter’s disease is included in the category of bone development disorders called “osteochondrosis” (Irowa 1989). Osgood Schlatter’s disease or syndrome was first described by Paget in 1891. It is named after American surgeon Robert Bayley Osgood and the Swiss surgeon Carl Schlatter, who working individually described the disease in 1903. T
his disease is a very common cause of knee pain and inflammation in physically active children, especially those who are going through their growth spurts (Fendall 1997). It affects boys between 12-15 years of age and girls from 8-12 years (Journal of pedriatic orthopedics). Girls are affected at a younger age because their skeleton matures at a younger age than boys. It occurs more frequently in boys than in girls, with reports of a male-to-female ratio ranging from 3:
1 to as high as 7:1. This difference in the ratio is thought to be because of greater participation by boys in sports and risk activities than by girls. With the increasing participation of girls in sports activities, the difference in ratio seems to be decreasing (Hines 1983). The athletes are at a 20 percent higher risk of having this condition than non athletes. Also, the condition seems to run in a family. If one child is affected, there is a 30 percent increased chance that another will also suffer from it (Hines 1983).
Osgood Schlatter’s disease is usually temporary and resolves with skeletal maturity. Three bones come together at the knee region, that is Femur (the thigh bone), Tibia (TheĀ .shinbone) and patella (Bone of the knee/ kneecap). The Quadriceps muscle on the thigh is responsible for the extension of the knee. It is attached to a tuberosity on the anterior surface of the tibia, called tibial tuberosity through the patellar tendon. When the quadriceps muscle contracts, it pulls on the patellar tendon, which results in the extension of the knee. The key determinant of the development of Osgoods Schlatter’s disease is the level of tension in the patellar tendon (PEC?INA et al 1993).