Perspectives on Police

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Homework Help

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Perspectives on Police. “Under general supervision, performs general law enforcement, crime prevention work and traffic-related duties. interpreting and enforcing various laws, regulations and codes. performs special or unusual assignments.” The discharge of these functions is referred to as policing and assumes great importance since one of the primary requirements of any civilised society is the guarantee to safety of life and property. Police officers would patrol the streets or other public areas within their jurisdiction in order to prevent crime and maintain peace and tranquillity within the community. Crimes that could not be prevented would be investigated by detectives to bring the culprits to book so that it acts as a deterrent to criminals. Governments or local authorities would provide the required funds and trained personnel to carry out policing duties. Property crimes constituted the majority of crimes in the past, but changes in society have compelled police all over the world to develop competencies to deal with a bewildering array of crimes, some using the most modern technology. Illegal drugs, smuggling of illegal immigrants, terrorism, ethnic strife, cybercrimes, human rights violations, domestic violence, pornography, hate crimes and more such mutations of criminal activities have added to the responsibilities of the police. Policing, both professional and otherwise, was practised as long ago as the Roman era with the military usually carrying out the duties of enforcing law and order. One of the earliest known police forces was that of Mesopotamia, where Nubian slaves, with their distinguishing colour, stature and dress stood out as custodians of peacekeeping in the cities. Their duties were more mercenary in nature than anything else and involved working as guards most of the time. The first principle of crime control, that visibility is paramount, was thus established even at that time. Augustus Caesar formed the Praetorian Guard, a police force dedicated to protecting his person.&nbsp. The first non-military professional police force the world was to know was the Roman vigils.

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