Pleistocene re-wilding

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Homework Help

Submit a 500 words paper on the topic Engage with the topic of Pleistocene Re-wilding. Thesis ment: Re-wilding North America is the key to preserving the world’s dwindling megafauna heritage.DiscussionWith most remaining large vertebrae resident in the volatile continent of Africa and parts of Asia, it’s evident that the human race is witnessing the last of the world’s megafauna heritage from the Pleistocene period that is estimated to have occurred some 13,000 years ago, in North America. The modern day homes of large vertebrates are clearly running out of space with Africa facing the most challenge in human-animal conflict as the fight for resources moves to ecosystems currently inhabited by this historical heritage (Donlan, 913). The large species we know today came about as a result of evolution of mega carnivores and herbivores and therefore biodiversity is not what it is without this segment of megafauna.The plan to re-wild America is therefore the most suitable way out of total extinction of these species because even as debate is being generated on this move, more large vertebrates from Asia and Africa are constantly finding homes in America in the form of zoos and private reserves (Donlan, 913). It is estimated that there are more Asian tigers in America that in the wild. The process of re-wilding North America has in fact started and all that is left is to move these animals in captivity to the free world of the US landscapes. The success of this process will be founded on the following tenets: That human beings have a natural attraction to megafauna which the explanation to why San Diego’s Wild Animal Park receives 1.5 million visits annually much more than the total number of visits to US national parks that are homes to rodent and other small animal species (Donlan, 914). Releasing the captured animals couples with their relationship with the American ecosystem given their extinct ancestors roamed the American plains is enough reason to get the process of re-wilding started. Wild Bactrian camels that are currently facing extinction in the Gobi desert had their ancestors, Camelops, originate from North America and therefore taking them back home to America would rescue this species from total extinction.Another basis is that, even with the surging world human population, regions of Southwest America that are the possible home of these re-introduced species are experiencing population decline providing sufficient room for the megafuna to roam and reproduce. As the custodians of world heritage, the human race is ethically bound to ensure large vertebrate are not extinct and this responsibility, coupled with the potential economic and biological benefits that come with re-wilding, provides sufficient ground to have the project initiated. The world cannot sit back and watch elephants disappear as Serengeti plains in Tanzania loose ecological balance as result of lion extinction. Re-wilding America therefore, provides an opportunity to turn the clock 13, 000 years back and reap modern day economic and biodiversity benefits thereof (Rubensteina, 235). The human race has succeeded in inventing wonderful communication tools and presently, voyages that took months between continents not so many years ago. last just a few hours thanks to the super jumbos. Re-wilding America is therefore a challenge with the ability of man.Works CitedDonlan, Josh. “Back to the future. Conservation (A radical idea for conservation).”&nbsp.The Economist&nbsp.20 Aug. 2005: 913-914. Print.Rubensteina, Dustin R., Daniel I. Rubenstein, Paul W. Sherman, and Thomas A. Gavin. “Pleistocene Park: Does re-wilding North America represent sound conservation for the 21st century?.”&nbsp.Biological Conservation&nbsp.132 (2006): 232-238. Print.

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