Initial PostThis week were going to learn about applying the principles of finance to personal budgeting and managing expenses. Watch the video Dollars and Sense A Quick Guide to Budgeting,Response Posts Have fun with this Discussion! Feel free to discuss your ideas with other studentsand use meaningful observations to corroborate your point of view such aspersonal or professional experience. This discussion board will remain openthrough Sunday night for you to interact with classmates.Dollars and Sense A Quick Guide to Budgeting:0:00 / 5:481xDollars and Sense A Quick Guide to BudgetingAfter watching the video above, share your thoughts aboutthree or more of the following questions: What experience do you have with personal budgeting and managing expenses? Explain in detail. What went well, and what could have gone better? What are some questions you have or guidelines youd like to learn about personal budgeting and managing expenses? What is the most fun or the most challenging part of personal budgeting and managing expenses based on your experience or what youve heard from others? What advice would you give your classmates on personal budgeting and managing expenses? If you have no experience with personal budgeting and managing expenses, what do you think will be most interesting about learning this? What have you heard about it? Look online at a few websites that deal with the topic of personal budgeting, and share your findings. Be sure to include links to the sites you mention.
Principles of finance
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