1. Identify an important problem around a school, church, or volunteer group, and define a suitable Six Sigma project. Outline of a project charter and identify the important CTQs. (30 points)2. Provide a SIPOC diagram that identifies the suppliers, inputs, processes, outputs, and customers that defines the boundaries of the project you identified in question one. (20 points)3. You are asked by the owner of a local hotel chain to develop a customer satisfaction survey to determine the percentage of customers who are dissatisfied with service. In the past year, 20,000 customers were serviced. The owner desires a 95 percent level of confidence with an allowable statistical error of ±0.01. From past estimates, she believes that about 3.5 percent of customers have expressed dissatisfaction. What sample size should you use for this survey? Explain your answer. After the calculation, provide a brief explanation of which of the five key dimensions of service quality — reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, or responsiveness — should be emphasized in the satisfaction survey. Why? (20 points)4. A manager at SmallBell, a small telephone company, wants to determine how long service technicians need to perform a certain repair. In the past, an almost identical repair required 22.75 minutes, with a standard deviation of 0.3 minutes. Compute the sample size of times needing to be collected to ensure that they can be 90 percent confident of correctly estimating the repair time if the manager is willing to tolerate an error rate of 0.04. Explain your answer. (10 points) 5. Develop cause-and-effect diagrams for the following problems. Choose two of the four examples (you will need to submit two diagrams). (20 points)a. A poor grade on an examb. No job offersc. Late for work or schoold. A flat tire
Problem around a school, church, or volunteer group
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