Reading unit vs study guide

by | Nov 6, 2021 | Homework Help

ReadingUnit V Study GuideChapter 10: Introduction To Government FinanceChapter 18: Fiscal Federalism and State and Local Government FinanceUnit Resources (3 videos): See Study GuideUnit V Case Study OpenWeight: 15% of course gradeGrading RubricInstructionsYou are a municipal budget analyst. Using your favorite search engine, locate the budget of a municipality that has completed a petition to file bankruptcy. Some examples include Detroit, Michigan; Stockton, California; Central Falls, Rhode Island; San Bernardino, California; Prichard, Alabama; and Vallejo, California.Develop your case study findings and recommendations consisting of no less than 500 words in which you discuss the following:Briefly describe the municipality’s demographics.Evaluate the previous three-year trend of the municipality’s major revenue sources and expenditures.Analyze the impact of the issues contributing to the municipality’s budget deficiencies.Propose three alternative financing options.This must be original please, ! It really only needs to be about two-three pages.

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