Reflection Paper

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Homework Help

Reflection PaperStudents are expected to write a 2-3 page reflection paper (not including cover page and references) describing a preferred approach to counseling from the theories we have covered throughout the semester in our textbook (e.g., Adlerian, Existential, CBT). The paper must be double spaced and written in APA format with a cover sheet and references. You may select one of the theories, or a combination of them, that you found to be most compatible with your beliefs, and most effective for helping clients deal with their problems.All of the following needs to be addressed in your paper and you must LABEL EACH SECTION OF YOUR PAPER AS FOLLOWS:· Selected Theories: What counseling theory or theories from the selected readings did you select and why?· Goals for Therapy: What are the most important goals for therapy according to the selected counseling theory?· Role of Therapist: What is your role and function as a therapist conducting this specific type of counseling?· Techniques: What techniques would you be likely to apply to a specific problem(s) when using this type of counseling? Be sure to include the major techniques discussed in the textbook.· Expectations of Client: What changes or outcomes would you expect to see from an individual after receiving this type of counseling?Make sure that your opinions and assertions are supported by the information in the text and consistent with the theory or theories you selected. You should use the text as a reference as well as at least one outside resource and refer to it in your paper.This paper will be submitted via Turnitin. Review the detailed Turnitin instructions (Links to an external site.) on how to submit your assignments and how to review the Grademark comments (feedback) from your professor. See the university’s policy on plagiarism.Grading Rubric for Paper – 15 Points· COVERAGE AND ACCURACY OF THE REQUIRED CONTENT IN EACH OF THE SECTIONS- 8 POINTS· THOROUGHNESS OF THE DISCUSSION AND APPLICATION OF THE THEORETICAL CONCEPTS – 2 POINTS· USE OF TEXT TO SUPPORT OPINIONS AND IDEAS- 2 POINTS· APPLICATION OF AT LEAST ONE OUTSIDE RESOURCE WITH REFERENCE LISTED- 1 POINT· APA FORMAT- 1 POINT· GRAMMAR- 1 POINT

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