1) Is there a relationship between product (level of treadmill) and gender? Test at the 5% level of significance, and show all 6 steps of the hypothesis testing procedure. In step 6, be sure to indicate why the company would want to know if there is such a relationship! HINT: first make a pivot table with product in the rows and gender in the columns. Those are your observed frequencies. Then find the expected frequencies and your chi-square. NOTE: do you understand why this is chapter 12 material and not chapter 13 material?2) Is there a relationship between a persons age and the number of miles they intend to walk/run on the treadmill each week? And can you predict the number of miles a 27-year-old would walk/run? Heres what Id like you to do.· First form a scatter diagram. Does there seem to be a linear relationship between age and miles?· Now run the regression procedure that can use age as a predictor of miles. Remember, all of this is to be done using Excel no hand calculations are necessary!· Interpret the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination in practical form.· Predict the number of miles a 27-year-old would walk/run· Interpret the slope
Relationship between product and gender
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