SFAS matrix

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Homework Help

Provided are the guidelines to complete each section: Using the worksheet, guidelines, and example sheets provided, create an SFAS matrix for your strategic adult company. SFAS Worksheet (DOCX) SFAS Guidelines (DOCX) SFAS Examples (DOCX) Using the guidelines and example documents (attached below), create a TOWS analysis matrix for your strategic adult company. TOWS Guidelines (DOCX) TOWS Analysis Example (DOCX) From your completed TOWS Analysis recommend the one strategy that you feel best meets the future needs of your firm. Support your decision by writing a detailed explanation justifying your selection. Use at least two outside sources properly cited and referenced to support your decision. This may be the most important section in the strategic audit report, as it should tell the reader what you are going to do with all of the information presented in the audit and the best future strategy for the organization.Parts 1 and 2 of your assignment should consist of the completed SFAS Worksheet and TOWS Analysis Part 3 of your assignment should be a one-page assessment of your recommended strategy. All pages should be double-spaced, with sources cited and referenced using current APA formattingCompile all pages of your document to submit to this assignment.

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